EVEN NATURE GIVES YOU NO CHOICE When you have seen a cloudin the lap of a pond;and the moonbetween the waterlilies;inevitably you are at the mercyof your own soul. What is this sound that wakens me at night? It is biology, it calls out its rights.At night you can hear it moreclearly, when thesociologists are […]

eco para o teu farol (mnemosyne)

Let me fold something whiteas a rose to youlonging like me The paper leaps upready for the next slice I maintainthere is nothing of penance in thisthat I’m not just up for anything What is written will avenge itselfwill grow smaller and smallera trivial stain in the end to our eyes Hahahathe night of the […]

Who has claim? Nobody has claim. All have claim. And all are to blame. Starting with the anachronical fanatics.